Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Free loans by mail of DVD, teaching packets, videos, and guides relating to Art

The US Government's National Gallery of Art has a program that allows individuals the ability to borrow various media about art. I have borrowed several dozen items, and have really been impressed with most of the material. All you need to do is complete an online shopping cart process. Then the materials arrive (usually sooner than one month) and you have 2 weeks from the date requested to use the material. It is a free service, except that you have to pay the return postage. It's usually been about a dollar or two as they urge you to use the book rate method of delivery, which costs less than first class mail. Enjoy

overview of the program:

how to order:

online catalog:

1 comment:

Kamehame said...


You're such a source of info! Thanks for this post.